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Open a Car Repair Business in Japan

Open a Car Repair Business in Japan

Japan has a well-developed used car market and there is a great consumer demand for driving cars for longer time frames. Therefore, the car owner numbers in this country are continuously increasing. This great demand is met with an insufficient number of auto mechanics. The demand for the maintenance sector is rising, too. 

In this article, our company formation advisors in Japan explain different aspects related to opening a car repair business in Japan.

License for auto mechanics in Japan

In this jurisdiction, the Class 2 Auto Mechanic License is required for anyone who intends to become an auto mechanic in order to open a car repair company in Japan.

This license is a needed and absolute requirement in order to work as an automotive mechanic in the country.

To acquire this license, individuals have to follow courses organized by schools which are accredited by the local government. Our company registration consultants in Japan can assist you with more details on this license. We also provide assistance for investors who want to open such a company in Japan.

After completing such a course, students will possess a thorough knowledge of the automotive sector, allowing them to work in this field.

How to begin a successful car repair business in Japan

To start a successful car repair business in Japan, our Japan company formation agents recommend you to follow these steps:

Define your company objectives: it is necessary to establish how many clients you can assist on a daily basis and how you can help them;

Find a strategic location for your company: ideally, a car repair business is located in a spot which is close to main roads and highways. It should be found in a centralized place to your client base;

Get the necessary equipment: the equipment is one of the most important things needed for a car repair business in Japan. The most basic one will include, among others:

     o Specialized set of tools;

     o Diagnostic machine;

     o Car lifts.

Acquire the necessary car repair licenses;

Advertise your car repair company: one of the most efficient ways to do this is by establishing connections and relationships with car dealerships. 

If you have more queries about a car repair business in Japan, or for assistance in starting such a company in Japan, please speak to our friendly staff.