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Set Up a Company in the FMCG Sector in Japan

Set Up a Company in the FMCG Sector in Japan

The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), also known as consumer packaged goods (CPG), are goods which can be sold rapidly and at relatively low prices. A lot of these products have a short shelf life, either because of the high demand or due to the fact that they can deteriorate quickly. As follows, our company formation advisors in Japan explain different aspects related to setting up a business in the FMCG industry in Japan.

Consumer electronic goods in Japan

In the first half of 2017, the consumer electronic goods industry in Japan registered an increase in the number of inbound tourists who came to the country for shopping, with Chinese visitors representing the most growth.

A lot of the leading electronics and appliance specialist retailers in this country, therefore were focused on targeting the tourists from China by hiring multilingual sales employees, targeted discounts and supplementary duty-free payment counters.

The electronics and appliance specialist retailers continued to be the dominant distribution channel for consumer electronics in the country, with the internet retailing representing much of the remaining volume sales.

If you wish to open a company in the FMCG in Japan, our Japan company formation consultants can help.

Export procedures in Japan

In Japan, exporters who want to set up an FMCG company in Japan have to declare to the Director-General of the Customs the nature of the products, as well as the price, quantity and any other necessary details.

After the required physical examination of the goods, an export permit has to be obtained. Our company registration agents in Japan can provide further details on this matter. 

Products for export have to be brought into the Customs area or a specially permitted place for storage. Afterwards, the exporter or his or her proxy (a.k.a. a Customs broker) has to prepare an export declaration which should describe the nature, value and quantity of the products to be exported.

This declaration has to be paired with the invoices or any other supporting documents and, if so requested by the local laws and regulations other than the Customs law, by other documents, like permits, licenses or approvals. 

If you have more questions about the FMCG industry in Japan, or for assistance in setting up a company in Japan, please do not hesitate to contact us.