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Start a Consulting Business in Japan

Start a Consulting Business in Japan

business consultant in Japan offers consulting services and assists businesses seeking to improve their performance and efficiency. He or she analyzes the business and finds solutions while assisting organizations in reaching their objectives. Our company formation consultants in Japan can help you start a consulting business in Japan.

Things to consider when starting a consulting business in Japan

When opening a consulting company in Japan, there are certain aspects to consider, such as:

  • ⁻          special certifications and licenses: depending on your qualifications, a special certification or license might be required before starting to work as a consultant;
  • ⁻          set your objectives: research the niche of clients to want to address and create a suitable business plan, in accordance with your objectives;
  • –       research: it is very important for a businessman to research the market and see what clients in Japan are looking for. If you want to create a Japanese consulting agency, it if highly recommended to start with an analysis of the business market and the needs of local companies;
  • –       choose one or more niches: you can offer one or several services, depending on your qualifications or on how large the company is;
  • –       promote your business: you should also consider the channels you can promote your business through. From social media to more traditional ways, such as advertisements, you have plenty of options;
  • ⁻          other aspects: our company registration representatives in Japan can offer more details on what these other aspects consist of.

Our Japan company formation advisors can guide you through the registration process of a consulting company.

Ideas for starting a consulting company in Japan

The Japanese business market is a very developed one, which is establishing a consulting agency can be very successful. This idea is suitable for both individuals who can set up sole proprietorships and offer their services, as well as for companies which can offer an entire suite of services.

If you are interested in offering consulting services in Japan, you can consider the following options:

  • –       business consulting services;
  • –       accounting services;
  • –       financial planning services;
  • –       fiduciary services;
  • –       nominee services.

If you would like to know more about being a small business consultant in Japan, or if you want to open a company in Japan, please get in touch with us for assistance.

Foreign nationals who will manage a corporation in Japan can apply for a business manager visa. Certain categories are available for this visa, which ultimately grants the holder the right for Japanese residency.  The documents that are submitted for this type of visa concern both the business with which the applicant will work with, and the applicant himself. Our team can give you more details. 

Business owners interested in immigration to Japan can reach out to us not only for questions about the visa that first allows them to enter and remain in the country, but also for information on renewing their residence permits, how and when they can acquire permanent residency, as well as the conditions under which they can apply for citizenship by naturalization, should they wish to do so.