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Start a Marketing and Advertising Agency in Japan

Start a Marketing and Advertising Agency in Japan

Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world from a technological point of view. Large cities la Tokyo or Nagoya are full of colorful ads and banners of companies promoting their services. This is one of the main reasons which drive local and foreign investors deciding to open advertising and marketing agencies in Japan.

Foreign enterprisers coming to do business in Japan will benefit from very advantageous conditions for related to the company registration process, including if they plan on opening advertising and marketing companies.

Our company formation agents in Japan will guide them through the procedure of setting up companies here.

Requirements to open an advertising and marketing business in Japan

Foreign entrepreneurs who want to open companies with the purpose of offering marketing and advertising services in Japan must plan ahead as the company registration procedure can take up to 2 months in this country. Once the business plan is ready, they can prepare the documents needed to incorporate the company and file them with the Companies Register in Japan.

It is good to know that there are no share capital requirements for opening a limited liability company in Japan, a business form which can suit the needs of a marketing and advertising agency.

Our local advisors can assist with the incorporation of this type of company.

Services offered by advertising and marketing agencies in Japan

The marketing and advertising sector in Japan is one of the most developed in the entire world, which is why these companies will have no problems in finding clients here. Among the services a Japanese marketing agency can offer are:

  1.        digital marketing services which can include website creation and promotion;
  2.        advertising services in the printed press or through digital channels;
  3.        the creation of ads for magazines and newspapers, billboards, brochures, etc.;
  4.        business consulting for companies seeking to promote their services and goods;
  5.        marketing research analysis services, communication and strategy creation services;
  6.        communication, content development and writing and online advertising services.

If you want to open an advertising and marketing business, please contact our Japan company formation consultants for assistance.