Opening a Transportation Company in Japan

As the third largest economy in the world, Japan has a highly developed transportation network comprised of a complex infrastructure, airways, an extremely industrialized automotive industry and a world-leading railway. Our company formation consultants in Japan can assist you to open a transportation company in this country.

The airline industry and airports in Japan are projected to be privatized to grow their efficiency, while the infrastructure will witness major urban developments which are being developed before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. As about the trains, the local government has high ambitions to export trains and railway technology.

Types of transportation companies in Japan

Here are a few types of transportation companies you could decide to set up in Japan:

  • Owner or operator trucking: the basic structure of the trucking business is to bid and deliver contracts in the country;
  • Moving van business: it involves quite an easy start. The key to a successful moving van business is to open and conduct your firm professionally, maybe providing add-on services like space for temporary and in-between moves storage;
  • Air transport: a transport company by air, be it by plane or helicopter, requires a quite significant start up investment for equipment, licenses (for yourself and your employees) and insurances. Small plane transport could imply delivering goods or mail or transport freight internationally;
  • Marine shipping: it is a very developed sector and a great business. It is often effectuated by tankers full of containers which get lifted off the trailer of an 18-wheeler and then placed on the boat. This type of business usually consists of international import or export and it needs a certain level of knowledge of the customs regulations in general and for a certain merchandise;
  • Specialty transportation: our company registration specialists in Japan can provide further details on what this type of transportation business consists of.

The safety license in Japan

According to the Road Vehicles Law, in connection to opening a transportation company in Japan, entrepreneurs should be aware that transportation companies in this country should have certain safety licenses.

These licenses are issued by the Transportation Ministry upon receiving certain documents. Our company formation advisors in Japan can offer more information on what these documents are.

A foreign national who undertakes the rile as an executive member in a Japanese transport company is required to apply for the right type of visa and permit that will grant residency in Japan. In most cases, this is the business manager visa and the application conditions concern both the business itself, as well as the applicant, namely his qualifications for the management position. 

As previously stated, we can also answer questions that concern foreign investors who decide to remain in the country for medium to long-term purposes. For some of these investors, the routes to Japan immigration can be of interest and our team will answer questions about the conditions for acquiring permanent residency and/or citizenship by naturalization, if this is the case.

If you would like to know more about the transportation industry in Japan, or for assistance in setting up a company in Japan, please contact our friendly staff.

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